An accomplished painter with one eye on style and the other on everything going on around her, Margot has her finger on the pulse of our entire office. Her previous work in social services and public administration adds a perfect blend of skill and ingenuity to our office.  Her deep compassion and eclectic wit are always close at hand for whatever the moment requires.  When she’s not orchestrating the office you may find her tending her garden, spilling paint onto a canvas, or devouring a book or two.  Find out more about Margottina below!

Name & Title at Emerick Architects

Margottina Verch – Office Manager

What’s your favorite project you’ve worked on at Emerick? Why?

As the only non-architect in the office, I enjoy all the projects, as each presents beauty and technical challenges unique to itself, kinda like people.

What’s your favorite thing about working with architects?

Their quick wit and appreciation of fine humor.  Must be the suffering of studio years that keeps them from taking themselves too seriously.

Why did you become an architect/artist? What draws you to making art?

There is no draw to art.  Art is what happens when all the Margottina in me spills out into the things I do.  Sometimes it translates effortlessly and sometimes I have to work like the dickens to achieve the intended form.

What’s one type of project you’ve never worked on but would like to?

Paint a mural for a public space or style the willing from head to toe.

What’s the first thing you would buy for yourself if you won the lottery?

A well-appointed home on the Mediterranean, with olive and lemon trees.

What’s the next place you would like to travel to?

Italy, France and Czech Republic.

What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Silence the alarm.

What’s your spirit animal?

I’d like to think something cool, like an ocelot or a wolf.  But, probably a chimpanzee.

If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Green, leafy plants.

Beach or mountains?

Beach: if warm and breezy with soft sand and clear water.

What’s the number one place you recommend to eat in Portland?

My house. Or, Ranch Pizza in NE is nice.

What’s one thing you think everyone should try in their lives?

Serving others with humility.

How do you relax after a long day at work?

I have teen-agers, so……….I’ll relax when they leave home someday.

Bike or car?

Max Light Rail.

Favorite curse word.

You’re asking me to choose!? “Pendejo/a.”